At Memphis Veterinary Specialists & Emergency, our veterinary surgeons perform advanced surgery using state-of-the-art technology while putting your pet’s safety and comfort at the forefront.
Board-Certified Surgical Specialist
A veterinary surgeon has undergone 4 years of additional training after veterinary school in order to become a specialist. This training consists of a minimum of 4 years of veterinary school, a 1-year medicine/surgery internship followed by a 3-year residency program that meets guidelines established by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS). During the residency there are specific training and caseload requirements that must be met. In addition to these requirements, they must pass a rigorous examination to be called a veterinary surgeon.
Surgical Services
Veterinary surgeons are dedicated to providing the very best in surgical care. They also act as a resource for your primary care veterinarian by providing consultations on difficult or unusual cases.
With their advanced training, our surgical specialists offer expertise that ensures the best possible outcome for the pet and the pet owner.
What to Expect Before Surgery
Knowing what to expect and how to be prepared for your pet's surgery will make the process easier for both you and your pet.
- Initial Examination
Based on your pet’s problems, our surgical specialists will perform a detailed general, orthopedic, and/or neurological examination. Recommended diagnostic tests, risks, procedures, complications and expected outcomes will be discussed in detail.
Our goal is to make sure you know the exact treatment plan. Remember in many cases our specialists have performed hundreds, if not thousands, of this exact surgical procedure. Let our experience help guide you and your pet.
- The Night Before Surgery
The night before surgery, you are required to refrain from feeding your pet after midnight. Water can be provided, but in small amounts. Current medications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Many surgeries are scheduled within a few days of your initial examination but there are times where additional tests or lab work is needed.
Ask your doctor if you have any special questions about preoperative instructions.
- The Day of Surgery
Surgery drop-off is between 7am and 8am. There are occasions in which emergency surgical procedures may cause changes to the drop-off or the surgical schedule. We apologize in advance, should such a case delay your pet’s surgery. We will keep you apprised of changes and contact you before and after surgery.
Most of the procedures we perform are advanced and require at least one night of hospitalization. Surgical patients stay in our ICU for the first night and are monitored continuously throughout the night.
We are always staffed with an emergency veterinarian and several nurses so your pet is never alone.
What to Expect During Surgery
While in the care of our skilled surgical specialists, your pet is in good hands. Everything we do, every decision we make, is designed to minimize risk and ensure post-operative success for your pet.
- Anesthetics & Monitoring
Each patient has an anesthetic plan that is tailored to his or her specific condition. Overall cardiovascular health and lab work are taken into consideration with each pet.
We take extra care to ensure your pet is pain free after surgery often by using a multimodal approach (i.e. local anesthetic, epidural anesthesia and systemic medications).
We use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment (EKG, oscillometric blood pressure, arterial line, pulse oximetry, end tidal CO2, etc.) to monitor your pet’s vitals. Our anesthetists are extremely well trained and all they do is anesthesia.
- Sterilization
All of our procedures utilize strict sterile technique. This means our operative suite has positive pressure air flow and the room is cleaned after every procedure. Our surgeons also use sterile prep and full surgical attire (sterile gloves, surgical cap, surgical gown).
What to Expect After Surgery
When the surgery is complete, the surgeon will contact you to discuss the procedure and plan. Some pets are able to return home the next day while others need to stay longer. It ultimately depends on the complexity of the procedure and the pet’s health status.
When you arrive to pick up your pet, we will provide you with discharge instructions and answer any questions you have.

From Happy Pet Owners
"The most professional, knowledgeable, compassionate animal care facility I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience…even under unfortunate circumstances.”